Clothing Swap + Drive Winter 2023
10:00 AM10:00

Clothing Swap + Drive Winter 2023

  • 1248 Monterey St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Great for our: environment, pockets, closets & community <3

Central Coast’s most famous Clothing Swap

The Clothing Swap + Drive hosted by Asia Croson is a community event that cuts down on fast fashion by recycling and reusing gently used clothes throughout the Central Coast. We also partner with local charities to provide gently used clothing items to women and children in need. Our primary recipient is Lumina Alliance, SLO’s dedicated resource for those impacted by sexual and intimate partner violence. By bringing gently used items to donate, patrons are able to take as many clothing pieces as they’d like, wearing them forever or wearing them a few times and bringing them back to future swaps.

How it works:

  1. Clean out your closet of pieces you no longer want to keep (Please do not include any heavily used or torn pieces as well as loose garments such as old underwear or socks). 

  2. Hang them up on hangers (some hangers provided at the swap!)

  3. Bring all garments to the swap the day of & check in at our designated check in station

  4. Your garments will be collected and sorted by our volunteers- then you are free to shop around!

  5. Our volunteers sort clothes for charities & donate all remaining items at the end of the swap to various areas.

**Location: Body + Balance Center
1248 Monterey St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

**Donations: All donations are required to be already on hangers. Drop-offs prior to the event are not permitted this time around so all donations will have to come the day of. (Please do not leave anything at Asia’s office!). You can hang clothes on any kind of clothes hangers, and you can take hangers with you when you leave. (It will be difficult to keep track of whose is whose, so feel comfortable donating the hangers you provide, or choosing to not take others’ home). You can tie a rubber band around the hanger necks if that makes it easier for you to transport! 

(If you don't have clothes to donate, you can Venmo $20 to @asiacroson and take clothes you want home!)

**Try ons: There will be no try ons, so only take what you think will fit & you will love! Please feel free to return to the swap later in the day to drop off clothes that don't fit or you don't love!

As usual, all remaining items get donated to the Womens' Shelter in SLO (now known as Lumina Alliance) and several other local charities!

PLEASE DO NOT BRING: irreparably torn, damaged or stained clothing, or underwear. You will be asked to take these items home if they are within your donations. The amount of time it takes to sift through and throw away other people's underwear is time we would love to spend doing literally anything else. 

Don’t forget to bring your reusable bags! 

So before you guys go and spend a zillion dollars on summer clothes, let's find some at our good ol' fashioned Clothing Swap + Drive.

A great way to prune your closet, help local women + children in need, and spruce up your wardrobe. THIS IS A WIN WIN WIN.

Reuse and recycle, baby!!!

View Event →
Clothing Swap + Drive Spring 2022
9:00 AM09:00

Clothing Swap + Drive Spring 2022

Great for our: environment, pockets, closets & community <3

You can RSVP Here:

Central Coast’s most famous Clothing Swap

The Clothing Swap + Drive hosted by Asia Croson is a quarterly community event that cuts down on fast fashion by recycling and reusing gently used clothes throughout the Central Coast. We also partner with local charities to provide gently used clothing items to women and children in need. Our primary recipient is Lumina Alliance, SLO’s dedicated resource for those impacted by sexual and intimate partner violence. By bringing gently used items to donate, patrons are able to take as many clothing pieces as they’d like, wearing them forever or wearing them a few times and bringing them back to future swaps.

How it works:

  1. Clean out your closet of pieces you no longer want to keep (Please do not include any heavily used or torn pieces as well as loose garments such as old underwear or socks). 

  2. Hang them up on hangers (some hangers provided at the swap!)

  3. Bring all garments to the swap the day of & check in at our designated check in station

  4. Your garments will be collected and sorted by our volunteers- then you are free to shop around!

  5. Our volunteers sort clothes for charities & donate all remaining items at the end of the swap to various areas.

**Location: Sunset Drive-In, SLO 255 Elks Ln, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

**Donations: All donations are required to be already on hangers. Drop-offs prior to the event are not permitted this time around so all donations will have to come the day of. (Please do not leave anything at Asia’s office!). You can hang clothes on any kind of clothes hangers, and you can take hangers with you when you leave. (It will be difficult to keep track of whose is whose, so feel comfortable donating the hangers you provide, or choosing to not take others’ home). You can tie a rubber band around the hanger necks if that makes it easier for you to transport! 

(If you don't have clothes to donate, you can Venmo $15 to @asiacroson and take clothes you want home!)

**Try ons: There will be no try ons, so only take what you think will fit & you will love! Please feel free to return to the swap later in the day to drop off clothes that don't fit or you don't love!

As usual, all remaining items get donated to the Womens' Shelter in SLO (now known as Lumina Alliance) and several other local charities!

PLEASE DO NOT BRING: irreparably torn, damaged or stained clothing, or underwear. You will be asked to take these items home if they are within your donations. The amount of time it takes to sift through and throw away other people's underwear is time we would love to spend doing literally anything else. 

Don’t forget to bring your reusable bags! 

So before you guys go and spend a zillion dollars on summer clothes, let's find some at our good ol' fashioned Clothing Swap + Drive.

A great way to prune your closet, help local women + children in need, and spruce up your wardrobe. THIS IS A WIN WIN WIN.

Also like half my clothes come from clothing swaps.

Reuse and recycle, baby!!!

View Event →
Clothing Swap + Drive Spring 2022
9:00 AM09:00

Clothing Swap + Drive Spring 2022

Great for our: environment, pockets, closets & community

You can RSVP Here:

Central Coast’s most famous Clothing Swap

The Clothing Swap + Drive hosted by Asia Croson is a quarterly community event that allows us to gives the Central Coast the chance to update their closet & give back (all for free). It’s easy- you trade in you gently used items and can take home as many pieces as you’d like! You can wear them forever or just a few times, and even bring them back to future swaps!

We partner with local charities to provide gently used clothing items to women and children in need in our area. Our primary recipient is Lumina Alliance, SLO’s dedicated resource for those impacted by sexual and intimate partner violence.

How it works:

  1. Clean out your closet for pieces you no longer want to keep (Please do not include any heavily used or torn pieces as well as loose garments such as old underwear or socks). 

  2. Hang them up on hangers (some hangers provided at the swap!)

  3. Bring all garments to the swap the day of & check in at our designated check in station

  4. Our volunteers will collect & sort all your donations and you are free to shop around!

  5. All remaining items at the end of the swap are donated to charities that need them the most

**Location: Sunset Drive-In, SLO 255 Elks Ln, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

**Donations: All donations are required to be already on hangers (any kind is fine!). Drop-offs prior to the event are not permitted this time around so all donations are accepted day of the swap. (Please do not leave anything at Asia’s office!). You can hang clothes on any kind of clothes hangers, and you can take hangers with you when you leave. (It will be difficult to keep track of whose is whose, so feel comfortable donating the hangers you provide!). You can tie a rubber band around the hanger necks if that makes it easier for you to transport! 

(If you don't have clothes to donate, you can Venmo $15 to @asiacroson and go shopping!)

**Try ons: There will be no try ons, so only take what you think will fit & you will love! Please feel free to return to the swap later in the day to drop off clothes that you decide not to keep.

As usual, all remaining items get donated to the Womens' Shelter in SLO (now known as Lumina Alliance) and several other local charities!

PLEASE DO NOT BRING: irreparably torn, damaged or stained clothing, or underwear. You will be asked to take these items home if they are within your donations. The amount of time it takes to sift through and throw away other people's underwear is time we would love to spend doing literally anything else. 

Don’t forget to bring your reusable bags! 

So before you guys go and spend a zillion dollars on summer clothes, let's find some at our good ol' fashioned Clothing Swap + Drive.

A great way to prune your closet, help local women + children in need, and spruce up your wardrobe. THIS IS A WIN WIN WIN.

Also like half my clothes come from clothing swaps.

Reuse and recycle, baby!!!

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Girls Who Handle It 5
5:00 PM17:00

Girls Who Handle It 5

Check out the GWHI Website here:

Come join us on Friday, October 29th for an evening of EMPOWERING the girls in our community, supporting them, encouraging them and in turn, setting an example to do the same for ourselves. "Girls Who Handle It" is an art exhibit where you will be reading stories & seeing photos of San Luis Obispo women you see on a daily basis, who are dealing with unbelievable difficulties that most people don't ever know about, and are totally handling it.

Girls Who Handle It is about increasing the level of public vulnerability and advocate for a community of *honest* sharing and acceptance, specifically amongst women (women like you). (Re: why do we never share on Instagram what we are really going through?) In doing so, Girls Who Handle It is a platform where women in the San Luis Obispo community are sharing their personal stories about how much they're *really* going through in their lives and how they handle these challenges- even though we don't see it anywhere on social media.

The underlying goal for this project is not only to allow us to open up in a new setting, but to illustrate that there is more going on in our lives than what is presented on social media.

We would love to see all of your shining faces at the event to not only support the beautiful women who shared their stories, but also to partake in a community effort to increase our openness with each other! (P.S. This is not just a women's event, guys are totally welcome--in fact, encouraged--to come!)

TO PURCHASE TICKETS, Venmo @girlswhohandleit and **make sure to leave your name in the comment if it is different than the Venmo account holder as the guest list will come from Venmo only**!

Cash will be accepted at the door!

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Build Your Own Business (BYOB) Virtual Zoom Meeting
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) Virtual Zoom Meeting

BYOB is coming to you again for our 43rd meeting- community building, networking, idea incubating, question answering, super special time of awesomeness.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 6572 0950

Tickets are $12 for newcomers and $10 for Veterans! You can Venmo your ticket to @AsiaCroson.

Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up!

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Belizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This live Q+A Panel is for new and current business owners, or women just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about:

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time! 

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Build Your Own Business (BYOB) Virtual Zoom Meeting (Free)
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) Virtual Zoom Meeting (Free)

BYOB is coming to you again for our now weekly virtual meetings- community building, networking, idea incubating, question answering, super special time of awesomeness.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 6572 0950

Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up!

Tickets are free during quarantine!

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Belizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This live Q+A Panel is for new and current business owners, or women just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about:

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time! 

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Build Your Own Business (BYOB) Virtual Zoom Meeting (Free)
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) Virtual Zoom Meeting (Free)

BYOB is coming to you again for our now weekly virtual meetings- community building, networking, idea incubating, question answering, super special time of awesomeness.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 6572 0950

Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up!

Tickets are free during quarantine!

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Belizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This live Q+A Panel is for new and current business owners, or women just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about:

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time! 

View Event →
Build Your Own Business (BYOB) Virtual Zoom Meeting (Free)
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) Virtual Zoom Meeting (Free)

BYOB is coming to you again for our now weekly virtual meetings- community building, networking, idea incubating, question answering, super special time of awesomeness.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 6572 0950

Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up!

Tickets are free during quarantine!

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Belizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This live Q+A Panel is for new and current business owners, or women just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about:

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time! 

View Event →
Build Your Own Business (BYOB) Virtual Zoom Meeting (Free)
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) Virtual Zoom Meeting (Free)

BYOB is coming to you again for our now weekly virtual meetings- community building, networking, idea incubating, question answering, super special time of awesomeness.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 6572 0950

Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up!

Tickets are free during quarantine!

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Belizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This live Q+A Panel is for new and current business owners, or women just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about:

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time! 

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Build Your Own Business (BYOB) March Part 2
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) March Part 2


BYOB is coming to you again for our monthly community building, networking, question answering, super special time of awesomeness. 
Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up! 

Tickets are $10 via Venmo if you purchase in advance ($8 for BYOB Veterans!) and are available at the door for $15. 

Pay in advance here:

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Bellizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This is for new and current business owners, or anyone just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about: 

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time!

How To Prepare:

Our BYOB people are inquisitive, driven, with a desire to learn, who need questions answered and appreciate that we all have resources to offer, and loveeee sharing any knowledge they have.

We go around in the beginning:
-introduce ourselves
-give our schpiel of what kind of business we have (I am constantly practicing & tweaking my "elevator pitch", and some of us *cough* Madison Frame have theirs down like. AMAZINGLY) 
-tell everyone what we want to get out of the night/what questions you'd like answered (i.e. how to find new clients, how to maximize your time, how to network, how to change the color on your Instagram font, literally any question!)
-for those that were there the previous time, give a run down of how our goals went from last month

And then, conversation explodes, as we answer each other's questions, think of new ones, use each other as sounding boards for new ideas, survey each other for target market research, and get inspired to continue kicking ass.

At the end:
-we state our goals for the next month (which is also usually a nice list of action items)

OUR GOAL EVERY MONTH is for you to get connected, inspired, to learn something new and incredibly helpful, and to leave with a huge but concise list of action items & resources that will help you take your business to the next level.

Do bring a notebook or computer for note taking, if that's your jam, have your phone fully charged to swap contact info, be caffeinated or buy a glass of wine, and get ready to have some fun <3



View Event →
Build Your Own Business (BYOB) March
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) March


BYOB is coming to you again for our monthly community building, networking, question answering, super special time of awesomeness. 
Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up! 

Tickets are $10 via Venmo if you purchase in advance ($8 for BYOB Veterans!) and are available at the door for $15. 

Pay in advance here:

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Bellizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This is for new and current business owners, or anyone just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about: 

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time!

How To Prepare:

Our BYOB people are inquisitive, driven, with a desire to learn, who need questions answered and appreciate that we all have resources to offer, and loveeee sharing any knowledge they have.

We go around in the beginning:
-introduce ourselves
-give our schpiel of what kind of business we have (I am constantly practicing & tweaking my "elevator pitch", and some of us *cough* Madison Frame have theirs down like. AMAZINGLY) 
-tell everyone what we want to get out of the night/what questions you'd like answered (i.e. how to find new clients, how to maximize your time, how to network, how to change the color on your Instagram font, literally any question!)
-for those that were there the previous time, give a run down of how our goals went from last month

And then, conversation explodes, as we answer each other's questions, think of new ones, use each other as sounding boards for new ideas, survey each other for target market research, and get inspired to continue kicking ass.

At the end:
-we state our goals for the next month (which is also usually a nice list of action items)

OUR GOAL EVERY MONTH is for you to get connected, inspired, to learn something new and incredibly helpful, and to leave with a huge but concise list of action items & resources that will help you take your business to the next level.

Do bring a notebook or computer for note taking, if that's your jam, have your phone fully charged to swap contact info, be caffeinated or buy a glass of wine, and get ready to have some fun <3



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Clothing Swap + Drive Winter 2020
9:00 AM09:00

Clothing Swap + Drive Winter 2020

Great for our: environment, pockets, closets & community <3

You can RSVP Here:
Clothing Swap + Drive is here again!! Save up all your clothes for this ladies!!

As usual, all remaining items get donated to the Womens' Shelter in SLO (now known as Stand Strong) and several other local charities!

**Bring clothes to donate**, and take clothes you want home ♥

Everyone is welcome to park in the parking lot next to the building!

Bag up the clothes you don’t want anymore, bring them to iFixit anytime between 9:00 am and 4:00pm on Sunday (you can drop off clothes *at my office* (not at iFixit) between 9 and 5 on Weds, Thursday & Friday beforehand if you want to get them out of your house sooner! This is INCREDIBLY helpful for us but not required! More info on that below)!), and steal other people’s clothes. It’s the jam. Invite your friends because it's a good cause.

Drop off info:
793 Higuera Street, Suite 12, all the way upstairs to the right
- - Weds, Thurs & Fri beforehand!
- - 9 am - 5 pm (during these hours ONLY, the doors are locked before and after this!)

Please do NOT bring: irreparably torn, damaged or stained clothing, or underwear. The amount of time it takes to sift through and throw away other people's underwear is time we would love to spend doing literally anything else.

Helpful day of:
*Come by whenever you want!
*Parking available in the parking lot!
*Shoes & accessories & children clothes welcome!
*Please try (most) things on during the swap, so you're only taking things that you actually want!
*If you're really into it, I'd wear a camisole & leggings so you can easily try things on! But like. That's if you're a pro.

So before you guys go and spend a zillion dollars on summer clothes, let's find some at our good ol' fashioned Clothing Swap + Drive.

A great way to prune your closet, help local women + children in need, and spruce up your wardrobe. THIS IS A WIN WIN WIN.

Also like half my clothes come from clothing swaps.
Reuse, recycle, baby.

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Build Your Own Business (BYOB) November
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) November


BYOB is coming to you again for our monthly community building, networking, question answering, super special time of awesomeness. 
Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up! 

Tickets are $10 via Venmo if you purchase in advance ($8 for BYOB Veterans!) and are available at the door for $15. 

Pay in advance here:

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Bellizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This is for new and current business owners, or anyone just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about: 

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time!

How To Prepare:

Our BYOB people are inquisitive, driven, with a desire to learn, who need questions answered and appreciate that we all have resources to offer, and loveeee sharing any knowledge they have.

We go around in the beginning:
-introduce ourselves
-give our schpiel of what kind of business we have (I am constantly practicing & tweaking my "elevator pitch", and some of us *cough* Madison Frame have theirs down like. AMAZINGLY) 
-tell everyone what we want to get out of the night/what questions you'd like answered (i.e. how to find new clients, how to maximize your time, how to network, how to change the color on your Instagram font, literally any question!)
-for those that were there the previous time, give a run down of how our goals went from last month

And then, conversation explodes, as we answer each other's questions, think of new ones, use each other as sounding boards for new ideas, survey each other for target market research, and get inspired to continue kicking ass.

At the end:
-we state our goals for the next month (which is also usually a nice list of action items)

OUR GOAL EVERY MONTH is for you to get connected, inspired, to learn something new and incredibly helpful, and to leave with a huge but concise list of action items & resources that will help you take your business to the next level.

Do bring a notebook or computer for note taking, if that's your jam, have your phone fully charged to swap contact info, be caffeinated or buy a glass of wine, and get ready to have some fun <3



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Girls Who Handle It 4
5:00 PM17:00

Girls Who Handle It 4


Check out the GWHI Website here:

Come join us on Friday November 15th for an evening of EMPOWERING the girls in our community, supporting them, encouraging them and in turn, setting an example to do the same for ourselves. "Girls Who Handle It" is an art exhibit where you will be reading stories & seeing photos of San Luis Obispo women you see on a daily basis, who are dealing with unbelievable difficulties that most people don't ever know about, and are totally handling it.

Girls Who Handle It is about increasing the level of public vulnerability and advocate for a community of *honest* sharing and acceptance, specifically amongst women (women like you). (Re: why do we never share on Instagram what we are really going through?) In doing so, Girls Who Handle It is a platform where women in the San Luis Obispo community are sharing their personal stories about how much they're *really* going through in their lives and how they handle these challenges- even though we don't see it anywhere on social media.

The underlying goal for this project is not only to allow us to open up in a new setting, but to illustrate that there is more going on in our lives than what is presented on social media.

We would love to see all of your shining faces at the event to not only support the beautiful women who shared their stories, but also to partake in a community effort to increase our openness with each other! (P.S. This is not just a women's event, guys are totally welcome--in fact, encouraged--to come!)

TO PURCHASE TICKETS, Venmo @girlswhohandleit and **make sure to leave your name in the comment if it is different than the Venmo account holder as the guest list will come from Venmo only**!

Cash will be accepted at the door!

View Event →
Build Your Own Business (BYOB) October
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) October


BYOB is coming to you again for our monthly community building, networking, question answering, super special time of awesomeness. 
Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up! 

Tickets are $10 via Venmo if you purchase in advance ($8 for BYOB Veterans!) and are available at the door for $15. 

Pay in advance here:

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Bellizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This is for new and current business owners, or anyone just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about: 

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time!

How To Prepare:

Our BYOB people are inquisitive, driven, with a desire to learn, who need questions answered and appreciate that we all have resources to offer, and loveeee sharing any knowledge they have.

We go around in the beginning:
-introduce ourselves
-give our schpiel of what kind of business we have (I am constantly practicing & tweaking my "elevator pitch", and some of us *cough* Madison Frame have theirs down like. AMAZINGLY) 
-tell everyone what we want to get out of the night/what questions you'd like answered (i.e. how to find new clients, how to maximize your time, how to network, how to change the color on your Instagram font, literally any question!)
-for those that were there the previous time, give a run down of how our goals went from last month

And then, conversation explodes, as we answer each other's questions, think of new ones, use each other as sounding boards for new ideas, survey each other for target market research, and get inspired to continue kicking ass.

At the end:
-we state our goals for the next month (which is also usually a nice list of action items)

OUR GOAL EVERY MONTH is for you to get connected, inspired, to learn something new and incredibly helpful, and to leave with a huge but concise list of action items & resources that will help you take your business to the next level.

Do bring a notebook or computer for note taking, if that's your jam, have your phone fully charged to swap contact info, be caffeinated or buy a glass of wine, and get ready to have some fun <3



View Event →
Clothing Swap + Drive Fall 2019
9:00 AM09:00

Clothing Swap + Drive Fall 2019

Great for our: environment, pockets, closets & community <3

You can RSVP Here:
Clothing Swap + Drive is here again!! Save up all your clothes for this ladies!!

As usual, all remaining items get donated to the Womens' Shelter in SLO (now known as Stand Strong) and several other local charities!

**Bring clothes to donate**, and take clothes you want home ♥

Everyone is welcome to park in the parking lot next to the building!

Bag up the clothes you don’t want anymore, bring them to iFixit anytime between 9:00 am and 4:00pm on Saturday (you can drop off clothes *at my office* (not at iFixit) between 9 and 5 on Weds, Thursday & Friday beforehand if you want to get them out of your house sooner! This is INCREDIBLY helpful for us but not required! More info on that below)!), and steal other people’s clothes. It’s the jam. Invite your friends because it's a good cause.

Drop off info:
793 Higuera Street, Suite 12, all the way upstairs to the right
- - Weds, Thurs & Fri beforehand!
- - 9 am - 5 pm (during these hours ONLY, the doors are locked before and after this!)

Please do NOT bring: irreparably torn, damaged or stained clothing, or underwear. The amount of time it takes to sift through and throw away other people's underwear is time we would love to spend doing literally anything else.

Helpful day of:
*Come by whenever you want!
*Parking available in the parking lot!
*Shoes & accessories & children clothes welcome!
*Please try (most) things on during the swap, so you're only taking things that you actually want!
*If you're really into it, I'd wear a camisole & leggings so you can easily try things on! But like. That's if you're a pro.

So before you guys go and spend a zillion dollars on summer clothes, let's find some at our good ol' fashioned Clothing Swap + Drive.

A great way to prune your closet, help local women + children in need, and spruce up your wardrobe. THIS IS A WIN WIN WIN.

Also like half my clothes come from clothing swaps.
Reuse, recycle, baby.

View Event →
Build Your Own Business (BYOB) August
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) August


BYOB is coming to you again for our monthly community building, networking, question answering, super special time of awesomeness. 
Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up! 

Tickets are $10 via Venmo if you purchase in advance ($8 for BYOB Veterans!) and are available at the door for $15. 

Pay in advance here:

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Bellizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This is for new and current business owners, or anyone just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about: 

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time!

How To Prepare:

Our BYOB people are inquisitive, driven, with a desire to learn, who need questions answered and appreciate that we all have resources to offer, and loveeee sharing any knowledge they have.

We go around in the beginning:
-introduce ourselves
-give our schpiel of what kind of business we have (I am constantly practicing & tweaking my "elevator pitch", and some of us *cough* Madison Frame have theirs down like. AMAZINGLY) 
-tell everyone what we want to get out of the night/what questions you'd like answered (i.e. how to find new clients, how to maximize your time, how to network, how to change the color on your Instagram font, literally any question!)
-for those that were there the previous time, give a run down of how our goals went from last month

And then, conversation explodes, as we answer each other's questions, think of new ones, use each other as sounding boards for new ideas, survey each other for target market research, and get inspired to continue kicking ass.

At the end:
-we state our goals for the next month (which is also usually a nice list of action items)

OUR GOAL EVERY MONTH is for you to get connected, inspired, to learn something new and incredibly helpful, and to leave with a huge but concise list of action items & resources that will help you take your business to the next level.

Do bring a notebook or computer for note taking, if that's your jam, have your phone fully charged to swap contact info, be caffeinated or buy a glass of wine, and get ready to have some fun <3



View Event →
Build Your Own Business (BYOB) July
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) July

RSVP Here:

BYOB is coming to you again for our monthly community building, networking, question answering, super special time of awesomeness. 
Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up! 

Get your tickets now! Tickets are $10 ($8 for returning BYOB Veterans!) if you pay via Venmo before the day of the event (using this link: and are available at the door (cash only) for $15 day of event. 

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Belizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This live Q+A Panel is for new and current business owners, or women just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about: 

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Tickets are $10 via Venmo ($8 for BYOB Veterans!) and are available at the door for $15 (cash only). 

Pay in advance here:

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time!

How To Prepare:

Our BYOB people are inquisitive, driven, with a desire to learn, who need questions answered and appreciate that we all have resources to offer, and loveeee sharing any knowledge they have.

We go around in the beginning:
-introduce ourselves
-give our schpiel of what kind of business we have (I am constantly practicing & tweaking my "elevator pitch", and some of us *cough* Madison Frame have theirs down like. AMAZINGLY) 
-tell everyone what we want to get out of the night/what questions you'd like answered (i.e. how to find new clients, how to maximize your time, how to network, how to change the color on your Instagram font, literally any question!)
-for those that were there the previous time, give a run down of how our goals went from last month

And then, conversation explodes, as we answer each other's questions, think of new ones, use each other as sounding boards for new ideas, survey each other for target market research, and get inspired to continue kicking ass.

At the end:
-we state our goals for the next month (which is also usually a nice list of action items)

OUR GOAL EVERY MONTH is for you to get connected, inspired, to learn something new and incredibly helpful, and to leave with a huge but concise list of action items & resources that will help you take your business to the next level.

Do bring a notebook or computer for note taking, if that's your jam, have your phone fully charged to swap contact info, be caffeinated or buy a glass of wine, and get ready to have some fun <3



View Event →
Clothing Swap + Drive Summer 2019
9:00 AM09:00

Clothing Swap + Drive Summer 2019

Great for our: environment, pockets, closets & community <3

You can RSVP Here:
Clothing Swap + Drive is here again!! Save up all your clothes for this ladies!!

As usual, all remaining items get donated to the Womens' Shelter in SLO (now known as Stand Strong) and several other local charities!

**Bring clothes to donate**, and take clothes you want home ♥

Everyone is welcome to park in the parking lot next to the building!

Bag up the clothes you don’t want anymore, bring them to iFixit anytime between 9:00 am and 4:00pm on Saturday (you can drop off clothes *at my office* (not at iFixit) between 9 and 5 on Weds, Thursday & Friday beforehand if you want to get them out of your house sooner! This is INCREDIBLY helpful for us but not required! More info on that below)!), and steal other people’s clothes. It’s the jam. Invite your friends because it's a good cause.

Drop off info:
793 Higuera Street, Suite 12, all the way upstairs to the right
- - Weds, Thurs & Fri beforehand!
- - 9 am - 5 pm (during these hours ONLY, the doors are locked before and after this!)

Please do NOT bring: irreparably torn, damaged or stained clothing, or underwear. The amount of time it takes to sift through and throw away other people's underwear is time we would love to spend doing literally anything else.

Helpful day of:
*Come by whenever you want!
*Parking available in the parking lot!
*Shoes & accessories & children clothes welcome!
*Please try (most) things on during the swap, so you're only taking things that you actually want!
*If you're really into it, I'd wear a camisole & leggings so you can easily try things on! But like. That's if you're a pro.

So before you guys go and spend a zillion dollars on summer clothes, let's find some at our good ol' fashioned Clothing Swap + Drive.

A great way to prune your closet, help local women + children in need, and spruce up your wardrobe. THIS IS A WIN WIN WIN.

Also like half my clothes come from clothing swaps.
Reuse, recycle, baby.

View Event →
Build Your Own Business (BYOB) June
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) June

RSVP Here:

BYOB is coming to you again for our monthly community building, networking, question answering, super special time of awesomeness. 
Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up! 

Get your tickets now! Tickets are $10 ($8 for returning BYOB Veterans!) if you pay via Venmo before the day of the event (using this link: and are available at the door (cash only) for $15 day of event. 

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Belizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This live Q+A Panel is for new and current business owners, or women just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about: 

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Tickets are $10 via Venmo ($8 for BYOB Veterans!) and are available at the door for $15 (cash only). 

Pay in advance here:

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time!

How To Prepare:

Our BYOB people are inquisitive, driven, with a desire to learn, who need questions answered and appreciate that we all have resources to offer, and loveeee sharing any knowledge they have.

We go around in the beginning:
-introduce ourselves
-give our schpiel of what kind of business we have (I am constantly practicing & tweaking my "elevator pitch", and some of us *cough* Madison Frame have theirs down like. AMAZINGLY) 
-tell everyone what we want to get out of the night/what questions you'd like answered (i.e. how to find new clients, how to maximize your time, how to network, how to change the color on your Instagram font, literally any question!)
-for those that were there the previous time, give a run down of how our goals went from last month

And then, conversation explodes, as we answer each other's questions, think of new ones, use each other as sounding boards for new ideas, survey each other for target market research, and get inspired to continue kicking ass.

At the end:
-we state our goals for the next month (which is also usually a nice list of action items)

OUR GOAL EVERY MONTH is for you to get connected, inspired, to learn something new and incredibly helpful, and to leave with a huge but concise list of action items & resources that will help you take your business to the next level.

Do bring a notebook or computer for note taking, if that's your jam, have your phone fully charged to swap contact info, be caffeinated or buy a glass of wine, and get ready to have some fun <3



View Event →
BYOB Workshop: Instagram
6:00 PM18:00

BYOB Workshop: Instagram

A BYOB Workshop all about Instagram including:
--behind the scenes
-the Know Like & Trust factor
-all the apps to use
-planning in advance

Ticket price: $25
Please Venmo your tickets by May 31st!

You can use this link:

Cannot wait to see you guys!

View Event →
Build Your Own Business (BYOB) May
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) May

RSVP Here:

BYOB is coming to you again for our monthly community building, networking, question answering, super special time of awesomeness. 
Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up! 

Get your tickets now! Tickets are $10 ($8 for returning BYOB Veterans!) if you pay via Venmo before the day of the event (using this link: and are available at the door (cash only) for $15 day of event. 

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Belizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This live Q+A Panel is for new and current business owners, or women just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about: 

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Tickets are $10 via Venmo ($8 for BYOB Veterans!) and are available at the door for $15 (cash only). 

Pay in advance here:

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time!

How To Prepare:

Our BYOB people are inquisitive, driven, with a desire to learn, who need questions answered and appreciate that we all have resources to offer, and loveeee sharing any knowledge they have.

We go around in the beginning:
-introduce ourselves
-give our schpiel of what kind of business we have (I am constantly practicing & tweaking my "elevator pitch", and some of us *cough* Madison Frame have theirs down like. AMAZINGLY) 
-tell everyone what we want to get out of the night/what questions you'd like answered (i.e. how to find new clients, how to maximize your time, how to network, how to change the color on your Instagram font, literally any question!)
-for those that were there the previous time, give a run down of how our goals went from last month

And then, conversation explodes, as we answer each other's questions, think of new ones, use each other as sounding boards for new ideas, survey each other for target market research, and get inspired to continue kicking ass.

At the end:
-we state our goals for the next month (which is also usually a nice list of action items)

OUR GOAL EVERY MONTH is for you to get connected, inspired, to learn something new and incredibly helpful, and to leave with a huge but concise list of action items & resources that will help you take your business to the next level.

Do bring a notebook or computer for note taking, if that's your jam, have your phone fully charged to swap contact info, be caffeinated or buy a glass of wine, and get ready to have some fun <3



View Event →
Clothing Swap Spring 2019
8:00 AM08:00

Clothing Swap Spring 2019

Great for our: environment, pockets, closets & community <3

Clothing Swap + Drive is here again!! This time we are collaborating with SLO Parks & Rec and holding this Swap at the Mission Plaza!

Save up all your clothes for this ladies, it's gonna be the biggest one yet :) (They keep getting bigger!) As usual, all remaining items get donated to the Womens' Shelter in SLO (now known as Stand Strong)!

Parking is available, and signs will point you in the right direction!

Bag up the clothes you don’t want anymore, bring them to the location anytime between 8:00 am and 3:00pm (you can drop off clothes at the location anytime on Saturday beforehand if you want to get them out of your house sooner! This is INCREDIBLY helpful for us but not required!), and steal other people’s clothes. It’s the jam. Invite your friends because it's a good cause. 

Please separate clothes that are damaged in any way so that we can have an easier time sorting what to put out & only put out the good stuff! (Have a bag for straight donate + a bag for the swap!)

Helpful day of:
*Come by whenever you want!
*Parking available in the parking lot!
*Shoes & accessories & children clothes welcome!
*Please try (most) things on during the swap, so you're only taking things that you actually want!
*You can take as many things as you like (provided you try them on!)
*If you're really into it, I'd wear a camisole & leggings so you can easily try things on! But like. That's if you're a pro.

So before you guys go and spend a zillion dollars on school clothes, let's find some at our good ol' fashioned Clothing Swap + Drive. 

A great way to prune your closet, help local women + children in need, and spruce up your wardrobe. THIS IS A WIN WIN WIN.

Also like half my clothes come from clothing swaps. 
Reuse, recycle, baby.

View Event →
Build Your Own Business (BYOB) March
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) March

RSVP Here:

BYOB is coming to you again for our monthly community building, networking, question answering, super special time of awesomeness. 
Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up! 

Get your tickets now! Tickets are $10 ($8 for returning BYOB Veterans!) if you pay via Venmo before the day of the event (using this link: and are available at the door (cash only) for $15 day of event. 

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Belizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This live Q+A Panel is for new and current business owners, or women just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about: 

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Tickets are $10 via Venmo ($8 for BYOB Veterans!) and are available at the door for $15 (cash only). 

Pay in advance here:

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time!

How To Prepare:

Our BYOB people are inquisitive, driven, with a desire to learn, who need questions answered and appreciate that we all have resources to offer, and loveeee sharing any knowledge they have.

We go around in the beginning:
-introduce ourselves
-give our schpiel of what kind of business we have (I am constantly practicing & tweaking my "elevator pitch", and some of us *cough* Madison Frame have theirs down like. AMAZINGLY) 
-tell everyone what we want to get out of the night/what questions you'd like answered (i.e. how to find new clients, how to maximize your time, how to network, how to change the color on your Instagram font, literally any question!)
-for those that were there the previous time, give a run down of how our goals went from last month

And then, conversation explodes, as we answer each other's questions, think of new ones, use each other as sounding boards for new ideas, survey each other for target market research, and get inspired to continue kicking ass.

At the end:
-we state our goals for the next month (which is also usually a nice list of action items)

OUR GOAL EVERY MONTH is for you to get connected, inspired, to learn something new and incredibly helpful, and to leave with a huge but concise list of action items & resources that will help you take your business to the next level.

Do bring a notebook or computer for note taking, if that's your jam, have your phone fully charged to swap contact info, be caffeinated or buy a glass of wine, and get ready to have some fun <3



View Event →
Girls Who Handle It 3: Santa Barbara
6:00 PM18:00

Girls Who Handle It 3: Santa Barbara


Check out the GWHI Website here:

Come join us on March 8th (International Women's Day!) for an evening of EMPOWERING the girls in the Santa Barbara community, supporting them, encouraging them and in turn, setting an example to do the same for ourselves. "Girls Who Handle It" is an art exhibit where you will be reading stories & seeing photos of Santa Barbara women you see on a daily basis, who are dealing with unbelievable difficulties that most people don't ever know about, and are totally handling it.

Girls Who Handle It is about increasing the level of public vulnerability and advocate for a community of *honest* sharing and acceptance, specifically amongst women (women like you). (Re: why do we never share on Instagram what we are really going through?) In doing so, Girls Who Handle It is a platform where women in the UCSB community are sharing their personal stories about how much they're *really* going through in their lives and how they handle these challenges- even though we don't see it anywhere on social media.

The underlying goal for this project is not only to allow us to open up in a new setting, but to illustrate that there is more going on in our lives than what is presented on social media.

We would love to see all of your shining faces at the event to not only support the beautiful women who shared their stories, but also to partake in a community effort to increase our openness with each other! (P.S. This is not just a women's event, guys are totally welcome--in fact, encouraged--to come!)

View Event →
Build Your Own Business (BYOB) February
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) February

RSVP Here:

BYOB is coming to you again for our monthly community building, networking, question answering, super special time of awesomeness. 
Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up! 

Get your tickets now! Tickets are $10 ($8 for returning BYOB Veterans!) if you pay via Venmo before the day of the event (using this link: and are available at the door (cash only) for $15 day of event. 

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Belizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This live Q+A Panel is for new and current business owners, or women just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about: 

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Tickets are $10 via Venmo ($8 for BYOB Veterans!) and are available at the door for $15 (cash only). 

Pay in advance here:

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time!

How To Prepare:

Our BYOB people are inquisitive, driven, with a desire to learn, who need questions answered and appreciate that we all have resources to offer, and loveeee sharing any knowledge they have.

We go around in the beginning:
-introduce ourselves
-give our schpiel of what kind of business we have (I am constantly practicing & tweaking my "elevator pitch", and some of us *cough* Madison Frame have theirs down like. AMAZINGLY) 
-tell everyone what we want to get out of the night/what questions you'd like answered (i.e. how to find new clients, how to maximize your time, how to network, how to change the color on your Instagram font, literally any question!)
-for those that were there the previous time, give a run down of how our goals went from last month

And then, conversation explodes, as we answer each other's questions, think of new ones, use each other as sounding boards for new ideas, survey each other for target market research, and get inspired to continue kicking ass.

At the end:
-we state our goals for the next month (which is also usually a nice list of action items)

OUR GOAL EVERY MONTH is for you to get connected, inspired, to learn something new and incredibly helpful, and to leave with a huge but concise list of action items & resources that will help you take your business to the next level.

Do bring a notebook or computer for note taking, if that's your jam, have your phone fully charged to swap contact info, be caffeinated or buy a glass of wine, and get ready to have some fun <3



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Build Your Own Business (BYOB) January
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) January

RSVP Here:

BYOB is coming to you again for our 19th monthly community building, networking, question answering, super special time of awesomeness. 
Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up! 

Get your tickets now! Tickets are $10 ($8 for returning BYOB Veterans!) if you pay via Venmo before the day of the event (using this link: and are available at the door (cash only) for $15 day of event. 

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Belizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This live Q+A Panel is for new and current business owners, or women just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about: 

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Tickets are $10 via Venmo ($8 for BYOB Veterans!) and are available at the door for $15 (cash only). 

Pay in advance here:

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time!

How To Prepare:

Our BYOB people are inquisitive, driven, with a desire to learn, who need questions answered and appreciate that we all have resources to offer, and loveeee sharing any knowledge they have.

We go around in the beginning:
-introduce ourselves
-give our schpiel of what kind of business we have (I am constantly practicing & tweaking my "elevator pitch", and some of us *cough* Madison Frame have theirs down like. AMAZINGLY) 
-tell everyone what we want to get out of the night/what questions you'd like answered (i.e. how to find new clients, how to maximize your time, how to network, how to change the color on your Instagram font, literally any question!)
-for those that were there the previous time, give a run down of how our goals went from last month

And then, conversation explodes, as we answer each other's questions, think of new ones, use each other as sounding boards for new ideas, survey each other for target market research, and get inspired to continue kicking ass.

At the end:
-we state our goals for the next month (which is also usually a nice list of action items)

OUR GOAL EVERY MONTH is for you to get connected, inspired, to learn something new and incredibly helpful, and to leave with a huge but concise list of action items & resources that will help you take your business to the next level.

Do bring a notebook or computer for note taking, if that's your jam, have your phone fully charged to swap contact info, be caffeinated or buy a glass of wine, and get ready to have some fun <3



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Build Your Own Business (BYOB) September
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) September

RSVP Here:

BYOB is coming to you again for our 18th monthly community building, networking, question answering, super special time of awesomeness. 

Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up! 

Get your tickets now! Tickets are $10 ($8 for returning BYOB Veterans!) if you pay via Venmo before the day of the event (using this link: and are available at the door (cash only) for $15 day of event. 

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Belizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This live Q+A Panel is for new and current business owners, or women just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about: 

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Tickets are $10 via Venmo ($8 for BYOB Veterans!) and are available at the door for $15 (cash only). 

Pay in advance here:

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time!

How To Prepare:

Our BYOB people are inquisitive, driven, with a desire to learn, who need questions answered and appreciate that we all have resources to offer, and loveeee sharing any knowledge they have.

We go around in the beginning:
-introduce ourselves
-give our schpiel of what kind of business we have (I am constantly practicing & tweaking my "elevator pitch", and some of us *cough* Madison Frame have theirs down like. AMAZINGLY) 
-tell everyone what we want to get out of the night/what questions you'd like answered (i.e. how to find new clients, how to maximize your time, how to network, how to change the color on your Instagram font, literally any question!)
-for those that were there the previous time, give a run down of how our goals went from last month

And then, conversation explodes, as we answer each other's questions, think of new ones, use each other as sounding boards for new ideas, survey each other for target market research, and get inspired to continue kicking ass.

At the end:
-we state our goals for the next month (which is also usually a nice list of action items)

OUR GOAL EVERY MONTH is for you to get connected, inspired, to learn something new and incredibly helpful, and to leave with a huge but concise list of action items & resources that will help you take your business to the next level.

Do bring a notebook or computer for note taking, if that's your jam, have your phone fully charged to swap contact info, be caffeinated or buy a glass of wine, and get ready to have some fun <3



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Build Your Own Business (BYOB) August
5:30 PM17:30

Build Your Own Business (BYOB) August

RSVP Here: 

BYOB is coming to you again for our 16th monthly community building, networking, question answering, super special time of awesomeness. 

Come learn all about what it takes to have a fulltime (or part-time business, whateva you want!) business, how and where to find amazing clients, and how fun it can be! We will also be celebrating this month & announcing some exciting things coming up! 

Get your tickets now! Tickets are $10 ($8 for returning BYOB Veterans!) if you pay via Venmo before the day of the event (using this link: and are available at the door (cash only) for $15 day of event. 

Asia Croson (Asia Croson Photography), & Natalie Ozzimo (Belizzimo Beauty) share their experience on building thriving businesses, answer your questions, and give advice on how to take your business to the next level- no matter where you are in your business. This live Q+A Panel is for new and current business owners, or women just looking to get started in running their own businesses, freelancing, or selling products or services.

We'll be talking about: 

• how to get your business off the ground (and how we did it)
• our biggest struggles and how we worked through them
• how to find new clients and network effectively
• how to find your marketing strengths and where to focus
• how to get started (legally)

Our goal is for you to walk away feeling excited, less overwhelmed, more encouraged, and to have more direction to get started or keep going with your business! And to get YOUR questions answered!

Fill out this survey to see what we'll be talking about and give us your thoughts before the event!

Tickets are $10 via Venmo ($8 for BYOB Veterans!) and are available at the door for $15 (cash only). 

Pay in advance here:

Bring a friend you believe in- we believe in you, and can't wait for this inspiring time!

How To Prepare:

Our BYOB people are inquisitive, driven, with a desire to learn, who need questions answered and appreciate that we all have resources to offer, and loveeee sharing any knowledge they have.

We go around in the beginning:
-introduce ourselves
-give our schpiel of what kind of business we have (I am constantly practicing & tweaking my "elevator pitch", and some of us *cough* Madison Frame have theirs down like. AMAZINGLY) 
-tell everyone what we want to get out of the night/what questions you'd like answered (i.e. how to find new clients, how to maximize your time, how to network, how to change the color on your Instagram font, literally any question!)
-for those that were there the previous time, give a run down of how our goals went from last month

And then, conversation explodes, as we answer each other's questions, think of new ones, use each other as sounding boards for new ideas, survey each other for target market research, and get inspired to continue kicking ass.

At the end:
-we state our goals for the next month (which is also usually a nice list of action items)

OUR GOAL EVERY MONTH is for you to get connected, inspired, to learn something new and incredibly helpful, and to leave with a huge but concise list of action items & resources that will help you take your business to the next level.

Do bring a notebook or computer for note taking, if that's your jam, have your phone fully charged to swap contact info, be caffeinated or buy a glass of wine, and get ready to have some fun <3



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BYOB Workshop: Instagram
6:00 PM18:00

BYOB Workshop: Instagram

A BYOB Workshop all about Instagram including:
--behind the scenes
-the Know Like & Trust factor
-all the apps to use
-planning in advance

Ticket price: $25
Please Venmo your tickets by August 6th!

You can use this link:

Cannot wait to see you guys!

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