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Girls Who Handle It 5

Check out the GWHI Website here:

Come join us on Friday, October 29th for an evening of EMPOWERING the girls in our community, supporting them, encouraging them and in turn, setting an example to do the same for ourselves. "Girls Who Handle It" is an art exhibit where you will be reading stories & seeing photos of San Luis Obispo women you see on a daily basis, who are dealing with unbelievable difficulties that most people don't ever know about, and are totally handling it.

Girls Who Handle It is about increasing the level of public vulnerability and advocate for a community of *honest* sharing and acceptance, specifically amongst women (women like you). (Re: why do we never share on Instagram what we are really going through?) In doing so, Girls Who Handle It is a platform where women in the San Luis Obispo community are sharing their personal stories about how much they're *really* going through in their lives and how they handle these challenges- even though we don't see it anywhere on social media.

The underlying goal for this project is not only to allow us to open up in a new setting, but to illustrate that there is more going on in our lives than what is presented on social media.

We would love to see all of your shining faces at the event to not only support the beautiful women who shared their stories, but also to partake in a community effort to increase our openness with each other! (P.S. This is not just a women's event, guys are totally welcome--in fact, encouraged--to come!)

TO PURCHASE TICKETS, Venmo @girlswhohandleit and **make sure to leave your name in the comment if it is different than the Venmo account holder as the guest list will come from Venmo only**!

Cash will be accepted at the door!