Big Little Chelsea Kelly Cara Christina| Cal Poly Photographer
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Photographer
Cal Poly SLO Photographer
San Luis Obispo Sorority Photographer
SLO Sorority Photographer
SLO Photographer
They say you can't pick your family... Wellllll, turns out in their world, you kinda can.I'd say they picked very, very well.
San Luis Obispo Photographer
Kelly, the "Great Grand-Big", if you will, sent me this adorable note: "Thank you again for a lovely shoot, it was a ton of fun and really nice to have as I get closer to having to leave my Kappa family behind when I graduate."
I told her that these photos are amazing now, and only get better with time.
If you love these photos, doooo tell me all about it in the comment section below!! I will personally deliver the message to these beauties :)
Tons of love, Asia
p.s. Big/Little shootsas last minute Christmas gifts? I think so..