Why I'm Shooting Every Day (#asiaperdiem)
Photo by Taryn Dudley
"What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while." - Gretchen Rubin
Ohhhh does that quote get you like it gets me? Does it challenge you and make you wanna wake up early and eat broccoli and call your mom and read the Bible on a daily basis? Me too, me too.
That quote makes me want to do what MATTERS to me the most. Saying something MATTERS to you means super little when you never do it, or when you do it when you feel like it, or whenever the opportunity rises, or when someone else will do it with you. Something that matters to you means it's worth whatever it takes.
You know what matters to me? My craft (amongst a million other things that are also very important to me). How I treat my clients, direct them, pose them, where I take them, the experience they get working with me, how they feel during the shoot, after the shoot, a year later. What they think about when they look at the photos we take- what they think about themselves, about SLO, about this time in their lives. If they can't wait to show these photo to their moms, their boyfriends, their friends, their future children. If they walk away feeling more confident, more present, and more excited about life.
That really really matters to me.
I want my craft to matter.
So, this summer, we are shooting every single day.
In between client shoots, I am doing creative shoots all around SLO and the Central Coast and just lovvinngggg it. (#asiaperdiem- get it?)
I really wanted to make these shoots WORTH it, so I've made myself some rules:
1. The location has to be somewhere I've NEVER shot before.
2. I come prepared with screenshots of new poses to practice and perfect.
3. I get out of my comfort zone and try new things.
4. I only work with models who are really excited to work with me.
And then, to make it even funner, we have a team: SLO Blowout Bar, Natalie, my stylist, Allure Clothing in Paso, and many more to come, to make each shoot a chance to show off each other's work, because you know what else matters to me? My people, and SLO, and my community. And bringing it all together in a gorgeous picture? UGH I just can't get enough of how happy that makes me.
So be looking forward to a ton of shoots in new fun locations- we are, obvi, snapping the whole thing (if you don't have me on Snapchat, it's asiacroson!), and putting some sneak peeks on Instagram! If you have any new location spot recommendations, let me knowwww, I have been LOVING the recommendations I've got so far!
Left to right:
Cori, styled by SLO Blowout Bar, photographed at the top of the parking garage
Anette, photographed at the beach in Morro Bay
Sydney, hair and make up by Natalie, clothes by Allure Clothing, photographed atop a hill in Paso
This summer's gonna be great.
p.s. The fastest way to BE something is to DO something. Want to be a photographer, a chef, a stylist, a personal trainer? Take photos. Cook food. Style your friends, and train them, too. Then, voila, there you are. You are what you repeatedly do.
And I, my friends, am a fabulous photographer <3